Honor–shame training event in Tempe, AZ on January 26th

Honor and shame in cross-cultural relationships

Honor and Shame in Cross-Cultural Relationships: A training event with Werner Mischke, Director of Training Ministries, Mission ONE

Sponsored by ISI East Valley (International Students)
Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, 9:00 to 12 noon
Grace Community Church, Tempe, AZ
Training Fee: $10
Please RSVP to Ron Mills at rgmills1@asu.edu

Can the values of honor and shame—both in Scripture and among Majority World peoples—unlock the blessing of Jesus Christ in befriending and serving international students, refugees or others who are among us from other cultures? Come explore with us!

This adult-learning training event will be highly interactive. Together we will explore:
  • Features of the pivotal cultural value of honor and shame found both in Scripture and many Majority World societies
  • How to be sensitive to honor/shame dynamics in cross-cultural relationships
  • Why guilt is more likely to lead to healing behavior, whereas shame is more likely to lead to hurtful behavior
  • Why it is vital to see in Scripture that Christ’s work on the cross is the cure for both guilt and shame
  • A simple way to present the gospel of Christ in “the language of honor and shame”
  • Reading the Bible through the lens of honor and shame

For pre-event learning, consider these options:

Please RSVP to Ron Mills at rgmills1@asu.edu

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