High quality, very low-cost resources for your partner ministries

Do you know about Equipping The Saints (ETS)a ministry that provides a huge array of high-quality/low-cost ministry tools and resources—serving western as well as indigenous majority-world missionaries all over the world?

ETS is directed by my friend Keith Jones, with whom I have had the pleasure to serve as steering committee members for COSIM (Coalition on the Support of Indigenous Ministries). Keith and his team are wonderful servants to the Body of Christ around the world.

From the ETS web site:

ETS helps ministries find the materials and equipment they need at a minimal cost by networking with individuals, businesses and ministries around the U.S. to meet these needs. Whether it’s finding and shipping a bus to Chile, medical supplies to the Ukraine, computers to Tajikistan, a road grader to Brazil, shoes to Romania, clothes to Sudan, food for Iranian refugees or projectors to the Philippines, ETS is ready to serve.

Many items provided by ETS are obsolete in the U.S., but still useful in other countries. Most items come from government auctions. Other items are purchased at special discounts. Vehicles, medical and dental equipment, computers, office and school equipment are sometimes donated. Once, an entire print shop was given!

Why send used things to missionaries?

Here are six reasons why “used” can be better than “new”:

  1. Good quality used equipment is usually available at a fraction of the cost of new items.
  2. Used items usually clear Customs with no or greatly reduced fees.
  3. National co-workers can be equipped with the same ministry tools as missionaries without creating dependency or the perils of paternalism.
  4. Missionaries spend less time raising funds and more time in ministry.
  5. Parts and repairs for older computers, printers, projectors, etc., are more readily available in developing countries than for “the latest and greatest” gadgets.
  6. Used equipment shipments can provide employment opportunities for national believers.

Ministries are charged a minimal cost for the supplies and must pay for shipping. Books, Bibles and videos are regularly available in Spanish and French as well as English at a reduced cost. Items are available in other languages at your request. For a partial list of items available, click here. If you don’t see what you need, it’s possible that we can find it. Please email us at ets.usa@hotmail.com and let us know what you’re looking for.

Visit their web site! Check out Equipping The Saints—and discover how they can help you achieve your ministry vision—with high quality/low cost ministry tools and resources.

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