The Beauty of Partnership, Standard Edition—learning journey for individuals and small groups engaged in cross-cultural ministry

The Beauty of Partnership Study Guide, Standard Edition, is perfect for individuals and small groups who are engaging in cross-cultural partnerships, but are unsure about what constitutes truly healthy and wise practices. It is ideal as a six-week study for small groups.

Developed over the past two years, The Beauty of Partnership is a missional learning journey for followers of Christ and “average church members” — to gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for healthy cross-cultural partnerships. The front cover subhead reads: “Equipping followers of Jesus Christ for healthy cross-cultural partnerships to bring hope to the peoples of the world.”

More than a book with good information and concepts, this study guide leads people on an interactive journey to discover how they can be successful in cross-cultural relationships and partnerships. It is appropriate for believers engaged in cooperative alliances—between local churches/ministries in the West and their counterparts in the Majority World. It is a learning journey designed for believers to experience in community.

The research for The Beauty of Partnership was completed in 2008 as part of a four-credit independent study course which I did at Phoenix Seminary under Dr. Malcolm Hartnell. The design and editing for the study was largely done in 2009 and 2010. Built on the principles of adult learning theory (inductive/input/implementation/integration), the study has three inter-related areas: godly character, cultural intelligence, and organizational competence.

Suitable for a 6-week study for small groups, mission committees, frequent mission trip goers, and others engaged in cross-cultural partnership ministry, the 8-1/2 x 11 book is one-third study guide, and two-thirds readings. The readings are all part of a guided study, and users develop their own conclusions, spiritual insights, and applications based on the Bible studies, readings, reflections, and practices.

Authors included in the readings of The Beauty of Partnership Study Guide are Alex Araujo, Stephen M. R. Covey, Duane Elmer, Jon Lewis, Mary Lederleitner, Bryant Myers, Brooks Peterson, and Daniel Rickett.

At the 2010 COSIM conference, I will be leading a workshop on Tuesday afternoon June 8, called “The Beauty of Partnership: Learning journey / curriculum for lay persons and small groups.” I will be introducing this new mission eduction resource for lay persons. The study guide will be available at the COSIM conference at a significant discount.

If you would like a review copy of The Beauty of Partnership Study Guide, or if you would like to be contacted by email as soon as this study guide is available, please write to me, Werner Mischke.

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