The honor of being chosen; Ephesians 1:4

even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love
–Ephesians 1:4 ESV

That we are so richly honored is evidenced by the fact that our lives have been chosen by God in eternity past to be “holy and blameless before him.” This verse has profound implications:

  1. The infinite sovereign mind and power of God can tie together eternity past and present, heavenly and earthly dimensions, the divine and the human.
  2. Being “chosen” is not merely something God gives to individuals. Notice that “…he chose us…” This truth is about a community and is in a letter being written to a community! Everyone in the community is being lifted in their honor—this is not a zero-sum game in which some gain honor while others lose.
  3. There is a grand narrative, a Story above all stories—with purpose, plan, time, intelligence, creativity, relationship.
  4. The ultimate reality, that is, the “goal of The Story above all stories” is that we are before him, radiant with glory and honor, completely unashamed in relational beauty: indeed, blameless! This idea of standing before God Almighty, not with guilt and shame—but blameless—is utterly astounding in conveying honor to the ones before him.
  5. This holiness and blamelessness is—to come—it happens later on. In one sense, like God’s kingdom—it is already, for we are already forgiven—but is mostly not yet. Just as God in his sovereign power and infinite wisdom has the ability to choose us before the foundation of the world, he also has the ability to make us holy and blameless in eternity future. This is a psychological / spiritual place of peace and rest. It is the foundation of my security, my honor, my glory as an eternal living person.

This verse is so heavy-laden with honor and relational glory that it boggles the mind. Why would Almighty God the Father do this? It can only be because, “In love…”

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