New podcast: “Doing Theology, Thinking Mission”

Doing Theology, Thinking Mission is available on most podcast platforms. Here’s a link to one: Apple podcasts.

I am enthused about our new podcast “Doing Theology, Thinking Mission.” Here’s why…

1) It meets a need. You will hear compelling (and surprising!) explorations of how Christian theology and the church’s mission relate to each other; that’s pretty special in the world of podcasts. We cover contextualization, honor and shame, biblical interpretation, and the church’s mission in the world.

2) It’s engaging. Dr. Jackson Wu, Carrie Vaughn, and I genuinely enjoy conversing together about the issues we cover and the stories we tell. I’m pretty sure our joy and passion leak through.

3) It’s relevant. It is no small challenge to make the Bible’s story and truths, centered in the life of Jesus Christ, relevant to our broken world. It is an endless quest with lots of discoveries along the way. I hope that this podcast will be a help for many on that same quest.

Check out Episode 1: “How the Bible Frames the Gospel”

In episode 1, we explore the way the Bible consistently frames the gospel. While gospel formulas are comfortable, our pursuit of simple, efficient, and portable gospel explanations have led to an anemic church. Is the gospel the message about how to get saved? Maybe not completely. What if the gospel is not so much the message about how we get saved but the message we must believe in order to be saved?

We also explore the following:

  • “We compromise the gospel when we settle for the truth.” What does this mean?
  • Creation, Covenant, and Kingdom—the three gospel frameworks found in the Bible.
  • Is the truth that “Jesus is King” central to the gospel?

Doing Theology, Thinking Mission is available on most podcast platforms. Here’s a link to one: Apple podcasts.

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