Contextual Issues of Honor & Shame in Spiritual Formation
September 11–13, 2023
10:00 am to 12:00 pm (GMT + 8:00)
From the Singapore Bible College website: Join us for an exchange of reflections and insights as a group of 10 theologians, biblical scholars, and missiologists from around the world come together to explore the role of honor and shame in spiritual formation through the lens of contextualization processes, and how the gospel transforms culture. The presentation centers around the Pacific Rim but also considers input from other regions.
You must register by Sept. 7th.
Learn more. Click here.
Featuring these scholars:
- REV. DR. HWA YUNG, Bishop Emeritus, Methodist Church in Malaysia
- DR. JUSTIN JOON LEE, Associate Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Singapore Bible College
- MS. CLAIRE CHONG, Research and Training Associate, Singapore Centre for Global Missions
- DR. CHRISTOPHER FLANDERS, Professor, Abilene Christian University’s Graduate School of Theology
- REV. DR. JERRY HWANG, Associate Professor of Theology, Trinity Christian College, Illinois, USA
- DR. NARRY SANTOS, Associate Professor of Christian Ministry and Intercultural Leadership, Tyndale University, Toronto
- REV. DR. SAMUEL LAW, Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, Singapore Bible College
- DR. KIEM-KIOK KWA, Adjunct Lecturer, Intercultural Studies
- MR. REI CRIZALDO, Lead, Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)
- MR. KENOSI MOLATO, Lecturer (Systematic Theology and Research Methodologies), Christ Baptist Seminary, South Africa