Entrepreneurs for Christian mission

Business entrepreneurs and Christian missionaries are similarly wired. I like to say they have a lot of overlapping DNA. Both have great vision. Both have a higher tolerance for risk than others. Both understand the importance of team. Both recognize the value of creativity and innovation. Both have leadership skills that can be used to pursue a vision, a dream, a “big-hairy-audacious-goal,” or “BHAG,” in the terminology of Jim Collins.

There are also dissimilarities between the classic business entrepreneur and the classic missionary. Usually, the best missionaries, while they are visionary doers, they also have superb people skills; they are terrific at building relationships. Usually the best entrepreneurs are effective in working with people — but they’re even more effective at pulling things together and getting things done. Perhaps we can say that the excellent missionary puts relationship ahead of task, whereas the entrepreneur will usually put task ahead of relationship.

The Bible has a huge visionary goal for followers of Christ. The Lord Jesus tells his followers in Matthew 28:18–20 to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.” His Word (“All authority is given me in heaven and on earth”) — and his death-defying presence (“I will never leave you or forsake you”) — are the foundation for this audacious command to bring the transforming love of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. This command is called “The Great Commission” for good reason. There could be no greater goal, no more ambitious vision.

How interesting that Christ’s command reflects a perfect balance. On the one hand, there’s a huge vision which requires an almost infinite array of tasks; on the other hand, it is a command focused on building relationships (“making disciples of all nations”) which is made possible by a relationship with the One who gave the command.

Christian entrepreneurs have many of the skills that are essential for Christian global mission. The Beauty of Partnership learning journey builds on that, and equips them with additional knowledge, skills and attitudes that are essential for success in serving a cross-cultural partnership ministry.

Who will be a Mission ONE Ambassador?

The short video (here) is about bringing hope to the Jie tribe in Southern Sudan. The mission organization shown is Mission To Unreached People (MUPE), directed by Rev. Hannington Munyao, Eldoret, Kenya. MUPE, a long-time ministry partner of Mission ONE, specializes in sending trained African missionaries to other tribes and peoples who are untouched by the gospel of Jesus Christ. These highly-trained national missionaries bring the Word of God, plus education, improved health, some new technology and other transformational blessings. They truly bring the blessing of Christ in word and deed.

Hannington says in the video, “The people have no church, no school, no medical facility, no shop, nothing.” It is amazing that they were getting water for their tribe from essentially a little pond dug by their own hands with stones.

Hannington also told the story that when the African missionary, Isaiah Majuma Bwala, came with his wife and children to stay with the tribe, the whole tribe burst into dance and song because they now knew the blessing of the gospel would remain with them. Isaiah, the national missionary from MUPE, literally became the hope they never had before.

Amazingly, these national missionaries like Isaiah who serve with MUPE need less than $300 per month to serve in these remote tribes and villages. Mission ONE has had a long-standing partnership with MUPE. We have huge trust in this ministry and its leadership. Hannington is a wise and capable leader who himself has served effectively as a missionary among the Toposa people in Kenya.

Hannington has informed us that more than 60 African couples or single individuals  are waiting to go as MUPE missionaries to serve among unreached tribes like the Jie.

Who will be the Mission ONE Ambassador that serves as an advocate for MUPE? Who will be the Mission ONE Ambassador to help mobilize the people and resources to bring the the transforming gospel of Christ to hundreds of unreached tribes in East Africa who still have not had heard the name of Jesus?