It starts next week, April 5th—honor-shame webinar curriculum

Journey of Discovery in Honor, Shame, and the Gospel

We are eager here at Mission ONE to begin offering the webinar curriculum, “Journey of Discovery in Honor, Shame, and the Gospel”, starting April 5th. The first of six classes (Unit A) begins soon! Click here to learn more.

Our Mission ONE team has been working hard to get ready and make this a great learning experience.

I’ve also been working on the Study Guide (free to all registrants). I am excited about the step-by-step journey we are developing. It well help many learners grow in their understanding and experience of God’s honor conquering humanity’s shame through Jesus Christ.

You will learn …

  • that God covers our shame and restores our honor through the cross and resurrection of Christ;
  • why honor-shame is a strategic issue for world evangelization;
  • why honor-shame is increasingly part of the Western world because of social media;
  • how the gospel speaks to secular peoples—Jesus cures relational pollution;
  • how to help Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu peoples better understand the gospel;
  • about the blind spot concerning honor-shame in Western theology—and what to do about it;
  • to identify nine dynamics of honor-shame in the Bible;
  • why salvation includes gaining a new source of honor in Christ;

»Learn more at the Mission ONE website»

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