“Thank you, Mission ONE team, that you have blessed us”

By Bob Schindler, President, Mission ONE

ThaiLeadersListening“Thank you, Mission ONE team, that you have blessed us”… These sentiments were expressed over and over again by the 18 couples that attended the Mission ONE marriage retreat in Thailand during March 9-13, 2009. The retreat was designed to encourage, strengthen, honor, and refresh the leaders of Mekong Evangelical Mission (MEM), Mission ONE partner in Southeast Asia. Heartfelt worship, sweet fellowship, honest sharing, and lots of laughter highlighted the week. God uses your prayers and support to make events like this possible. Rejoice with us! Here are just a few of the participants’ comments:


  • “We have learned to be good listeners. In the past, we have did not put to use these principles in our marriage. Mostly, we expected the other person to listen to us.”
  • “Unresolved issues in our marriage were discussed by the two of us, and we amended those broken relationships. We forgave each other and got rid of things between us.”
  • “We have learned that a holy and sanctified marriage life is important in leading others to salvation. Solving problems must be intentional.”
  • “Because of the retreat, we learned to trust God together as marriage partners in confronting obstacles in our lives.”
  • “The advice for marriage was based on the Scripture and all of the speakers had real-life experiences from which to share. The marriage retreat gave us the best/happiest time in our marriage life in the 10 years of our marriage.”
  • “We learned that we must be open and let God heal our wounds.”
  • “After hearing from the speakers, we realized that we all face similar problems. The difference between each marriage is how each couple views their problems and reacts to them.”
  • “We learned that in our marriage, we must fear God and honor each other. Because of the retreat, we love each other more.”
  • “Thank you, Mission ONE, for this opportunity that you have given to us—the rest for just the two of us that we were never going to get if someone did not give this opportunity to us.”
  • “Thank you for all the encouragement that the Mission ONE team has given. We feel close to you. We now want to make our marriage a model for others to follow …”
  • “Thank you, God, for Mission ONE and their supporters for making the retreat possible. We are grateful for the gift of the retreat that we have received. Words cannot express how thankful we are.”
The marriage retreat team served 18 couples from Thailand and southeast Asia
The marriage retreat team served 18 couples from Thailand and southeast Asia

Note: This is an excellent case study of an investment in a healthy cross-cultural partnership; this marriage retreat represented far more than an investment of funds. This was about strengthening bonds, building for the future, healing relationships, and protection from attacks of the enemy. According to Dr. Chansamone Saiyasak, Director of Mekong Evangelical Mission, the marriage retreat had an impact on the entire “culture” of the organization. Since all ministry involves communication skills, developing new or deeper listening skills became a catalyst to improve every facet of MEM’s ministry. Praise the Lord. –Werner Mischke

Slow down: listen with your heart

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
–Matthew 11:15

Empathic listening is “hearing with your heart”
Empathic listening is “hearing with your heart”

One of the critical skills for effective cross-cultural partnerships is empathic listening: “hearing with your heart.” [1] The purpose of this blog post and the two or three that will follow is to show you what this means. Below is a 14-minute video with Alan and Pauly Heller of the ministry Walk&Talk, entitled “Alan & Pauly Heller … On Listening.” You may be  thinking, “Fourteen minutes! Are you kidding? I don’t have that much time!”—which probably proves why you need to watch this video. I believe there is no more important skill in today’s world of global Christian mission and ministry, than the art of slowing down … listening well … hearing with your heart—in relationship to people and to our Lord. This is why an entire set of lessons is devoted to listening in The Beauty of Partnership learning journey.

Alan & Pauly Heller participated in a marriage retreat sponsored by Mission ONE in Thailand in March 2009. This was done to serve Mission ONE’s ministry partner, Mekong Evangelical Mission (MEM), directed by Dr. Chansamone Saiyasak. Eighteen Christian leaders from Thailand and Southeast Asia attended with their spouses. Alan & Pauly shared their ministry of training couples in specific listening skills—to help them connect heart-to-heart with one another. The marriage retreat had a huge impact on all those who participated—and even on the whole ministry of MEM. In the video below, you will see the crux of what Alan & Pauly taught in the marriage retreat in Thailand.

In tomorrow’s blog you will see pictures from the marriage retreat and comments reflecting the results. So come back tomorrow. Enjoy…

1. I discovered this definition of empathic listening on the web page of Peter K. Gerlach, MSW: http://sfhelp.org

On being co-creators with God

DISCIPLING NATIONS The Power of Truth to Transform CulturesOne of my favorite books of all time is Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth To Transform Cultures, by Darrow Miller with Stan Guthrie. Today I was able to re-read a couple chapters on the plane. I found the passage below on page 225, and there in the margin I have a note in bold yellow highlighter: “I LOVE THIS!” …

As we have seen in previous chapters, we are not to be God’s mindless lackeys, although that in itself would be more than we deserve. No, God has given us the unfathomable privilege of being co-creators with Him. Man, made in God’s image, is given the awesome task of bringing forth all the potential of creation. Man is the source of earth’s bounty as well as its poverty. As the sovereign God’s vice-regents, we are stewards for His household, coworkers in His kingdom, caretakers of His garden, builders of His city, and actors in His story. In some ways, like our Master, we transcend nature. Of course, He is completely above the natural order, while we live in it and in some sense are bound by the universe’s physical processes. Yet the minds God has given us allow us to move ahead, to leap over barriers, to devise new ways, to solve problems. As Novak has said, “Creation is full of secrets waiting to be discovered, riddles which human intelligence is expected by the creator to unlock.” Created “a little lower than the angels,” we have a task to perform, a purpose to fulfill.

While our creatureliness binds us to nature, God’s image stamped on us allows us to move beyond the physical reality we see daily. We can dream of a better world and then begin to make it happen. Where there is darkness we can create a lightbulb, where there is desert drill a well, where mountains are barren plant a forest, where people are forgotten and ignored set them free through the power of the gospel, where people are ignorant build them schools and libraries, where the land is wasted plant a garden, where people are sick develop a cure, where there is silence hear the music and play it. Man is the discoverer, explorer, innovator, creator, and composer.

Don’t you love this sacred, exalted view of man created in the image of God? I love this because it explains the entrepreneurial nature of humankind. It explains my nature and desire to create!

With the Mission ONE Ambassador Program, I am looking for entrepreneurial leaders who are willing to be trained to be a successful advocates for a cross-cultural partnership ministry—who want to partner with outstanding indigenous Christian leaders to bring blessing to the hopeless, who want to change the world for the glory of God, through the glory of the Gospel. You’ll be trained through The Beauty of Partnership learning journey. It costs a lot. It is tremendously challenging, adventurous work. Are you a Christian entrepreneur or entrepreneurial leader looking to get into God’s Story in a fresh and effective way? Write me at werner@mission1.org.

A reading from this book—Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth To Transform Cultures
is part of the learning lessons for “Week 4: Identity” in
The Beauty of Partnership learning journey.

Download the Mission ONE Ambassadors brochure here.

Favorite memories from the Middle East

My mission trip to visit Mission ONE’s ministry partner in the Middle East
in May 2009 has these favorite memories

I remember learning together with mostly first-generation, Muslim-background believers—in a one-day Bible study—“Honor and shame in the book of Philippians.” It was so rewarding to observe some of the believers make profound discoveries about seeing their own cultural values of honor and shame reflected in Scripture. One woman overcame feelings of shame concerning her faith in the Jesus—by the truth of God’s Word—and became much more free and bold in sharing Christ with others.

I remember laughing a lot (A LOT!) with my Arab Christian friends as I tried to pronounce a certain name in Arabic—in a feeble attempt to show respect for their language. The name was not an Arabic name, and as I pronounced it, I soon learned that with my pronunciation, it meant “stinky.” Hilarious.

Shoes for beautiful feet: I took this photo in early May of an elderly Christian leader who shares the gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims in his neighborhood. A family-based community of Muslim-background believers meets weekly in his home.
Shoes for beautiful feet: I took this photo in early May of an elderly Christian leader who shares the gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims in his neighborhood. A group of Muslim-background believers meets weekly in his home.

I remember during a Sunday gathering in a picnic setting, I further explored the “honor and shame” theme with our ministry partner and their first-generation believers. “And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” (Romans 10:15). The principle is this: Sharing the good news of the gospel is so honorable and wonderful in the eyes of God that it transforms the feet of the one preaching into beautiful feet! (Note: In that culture, feet were often thought of as dishonorable or associated with servitude and shame; see Psalm 8:6, Psalm 110:1, Matthew 10:14, John 13, Ephesians 1:22, etc.)

We stayed at the home of the father and mother of our ministry partner. I found this very classic Arabic home to be a place of peace and honor. The father is an elderly and much-honored Christian leader. He had many years ago given up his career with the government and began to follow Jesus. This gentle man is a man of great peace and great prayer. He rises early every morning for an extensive time of prayer. He also loves to tell people about Jesus. Not long ago, he led a religious leader from his neighborhood to Christ. Now, he is discipling this man and his immediate family—along with some extended family members who have become followers of Jesus.

For some time, I had been talking with our ministry partner about a special gift to honor his father. 
So on the drive to his father’s home, we stopped at a shoe store and bought a pair of shoes for him. When we were sitting in their home courtyard listening to these great stories about his life with Jesus, I thought it would be a wonderful moment to give the gift. With tears, I quoted Romans 10:15, 
“…How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”—and we gave this gentle man of God 
a new pair of shoes, a joint gift from his son and me.

Are you interested in learning more about Mission ONE’s partnership with this ministry in the Middle East? Contact Werner Mischke.

Transformation Nepal brings hope through the Gospel

Sharing the good news of Christ with a refugee family
Sharing the good news of Christ with a refugee family
Training refugees, East Nepal
Training refugees, East Nepal
Bishwa & Remila Kharmacharya, Directors, Transformation Nepal
Bishwa & Remila Kharmacharya, Directors, Transformation Nepal

Bishwa and Remila Kharmacharya are the leaders of an indigenous Christian ministry called Transformation Nepal. This is Mission ONE’s newest ministry partner. The following news comes from their last quarterly report (April–June 2009):

We ministered to Danuwars, Dalits, lower caste people, Newars, Chhetri, Brahmin and other mixed groups. In this quarter, 56 people accepted Christ, and 28 people got baptized. Also, 8 new churches have been planted in different parts of Nepal.

We were involved in different kinds of church planting, evangelism and leadership training. We did church visitation, house visitation and hospital visitation to meet with sick people. We were also preaching in different churches. We visited different church leaders to encourage them on what they are doing and we monitored their work.

We supported Pastor Sanukaji for pig raising as income generation project. We completed 3 sewing projects. We completed 4 adult literacy classes in June. These are the platforms to reach out and share the gospel.

If you are interested in learning more about the ministry of Transformation Nepal, please contact the Mission ONE Ambassador for Transformation Nepal, Ed Smith. You may also contact the Mission ONE office at 480-951-0900, or at info@mission1.org.

Five reasons for this blog/site

Reason #1: VISION. Bob Schindler, Mission ONE Founder/President and Werner Mischke, Mission ONE Executive Vice President, have a vision to make Mission ONE more of multiplication-oriented ministry. God has taught Bob and Werner a lot over the years. They want to inspire and equip others in the body of Christ about the practice of healthy cross-cultural partnerships.

Reason #2: NEED

  • OUR PARTNERS IN AFRICA, ASIA, & THE MIDDLE EAST: There are significant unfunded needs and opportunities among Mission ONE’s ministry partners. Mission ONE can be a lot more effective in developing new funds for its cross-cultural partnerships. Mission ONE Ambassadors will assist in alleviating these needs, developing deep friendships with key leaders of the ministry for which they are advocating, and developing resources to “help their dreams come true for the glory of God.” This is already happening with Ed Smith, Mission ONE’s first Ambassador. Ed is the Ambassador for Transformation Nepal, and is volunteering as an advocate for this highly effective ministry. Our goal is that every partner ministry of Mission ONE in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East will have their own highly-skilled Ambassador to befriend and advocate for their work of evangelism, church planting and holistic ministry.
  • LOCAL CHURCHES: Thousands of local churches are taking short-term mission trips and getting into partnerships. Large numbers of individuals and churches are making mistakes they don’t need to make, “reinventing the wheel,” while hurting the cause of Christ—for a lack of training in cross-cultural partnerships. The Beauty of Partnership learning journey meets a need for training concerning cross-cultural partnership.
  • STEWARDSHIP: We believe that the resources of the Lord’s church could be invested much more effectively for world missions. People, time, money, prayer—all could go so much further in global missions—if done with the proper integration of three key areas: godly character, cultural intelligence, and organizational competence. These three areas form the core of The Beauty of Partnership learning journey.

Reason #3: UNIQUE ABILITY. Werner Mischke has a unique combination of skills to champion this—with overlapping passions in graphic design, world missions and teaching.

Reason #4: TRACK RECORD. Mission ONE has had success developing and promoting a missions curriculum—the Operation WorldView Video Series (produced by Werner Mischke)—which has been used in some 600 churches. In addition, Mission ONE has had a leadership role in serving the greater national missionary movement through its involvement with COSIM: Coalition on the Support of Indigenous Ministries. Werner Mischke served as chairman of the steering committee for from 2004–2009. Bob Schindler has served as a plenary speaker at COSIM conferences on a number of occasions.

Reason #5: UNTAPPED POTENTIAL. There are many under-challenged entrepreneurial individuals and churches whom God can use to serve as advocates for healthy cross-cultural partnerships, if they could only get the training. Many successful Christian entrepreneurs are marginalized in the Great Commission enterprise, and yet, these entrepreneurial individuals have many of the qualities needed for effectiveness in world missions—because they are already professionally skilled, creative, team-oriented, and missional in their abilities. But without additional training, they can easily falter in the work of cross-cultural partnership.

Download the brochure for the Mission ONE Ambassador Program here.

Searching for problems vs. searching for possibilities

Walking With The Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development, by Bryant MyersBryant Myers’ book, Walking With The Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development is an extremely thorough resource for Christians engaged in the work of world missions, especially those who are involved in community development among the world’s poor. One of my favorite parts of the book is in the chapter, “Development Practice: The Tool Kit.” In this chapter, Myers describes a discipline called Appreciative Inquiry (or “AI”)—an approach that looks at “organizing as a mystery to be embraced rather than a problem to be solved.”

According to Wikipedia, the basic idea of Appreciative Inquiry is to build organizations around what works, rather than trying to fix what doesn’t. Consider this: What would you do if you were going into a new community where it was obvious there are glaring problems and crippling poverty? You might begin by asking and observing, “What’s wrong here? What needs fixing? Let’s list all the problems in order of importance and then work on them one by one.”  In contrast, check out these questions below from Myers, page 179—a list of questions that he says would be asked by someone with an “Appreciative Inquiry.”

  • What life-giving, life-enhancing forces do you have in your community? What gives you the energy and power to change and to cope with adversity?
  • Thinking back on the last one hundred years of your community, what has happened that you are proud of, that makes you feel you have been successful?
  • What are your best religious and cultural practices? Those that make you feel good about your culture? That have helped you when times were tough?
  • What do you value that makes you feel good about yourselves?
  • What in your geographical area and in your local political and economic systems has helped you do things of which you are proud?
  • What skills or resources have enabled you to do things your children will remember you for having done?
  • How have your relationships, both within and without the community, worked for you and helped you do things that you believe were good for the community?

Elsewhere in this chapter and actually, throughout the book, Myers deals head-on with the need to confront evil and oppression. We cannot simply avoid the reality of what is wrong. But I believe Myers is also articulating the tremendous value of recognizing that wherever God is present, he is at work! Even in the darkest places, God is there and He is at work. Consider the biblical support we find in Philippians 4:5 and 8 …

Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; …

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

What if, in our work of serving an impoverished community or a cross-cultural partnership ministry, we always began with a focus, not on the need and the problem, but rather, on “whatever is true … honorable … just … pure … lovely … commendable”? What if in the work of short-term mission trips, leaders intentionally focused FIRST on learning what is good in the community being served? And doing this before trying to solve the problems, address the glaring weaknesses, and make it “better?” When we are coming alongside indigenous Christian leaders and their ministries in the majority world, this will go along way in building friendship and trust.

The appreciation, empowerment and dignity that people would feel would be tremendous, don’t you imagine? Myers writes,

The net result of such an inquiry is often spectacular. The laundry list of problems the community would like the NGO to fix is lost in the enthusiasm of describing what is already working. The community comes to view its past and itself in a new light. We do know things. We do have resources. We have a lot to be proud of. We are already on the journey. God has been good to us. We can do something. We are not god-forsaken. This is a major step toward recovering the community’s true identity and discovering its true vocation. With these discoveries a major transformational frontier has been crossed.

In the practice of healthy cross-cultural partnerships, it is vital for partnership advocates from the west to be intentional about looking for what is good, strong and beautiful before identifying what is ugly, sinful or weak. In doing so, could it be that we also may become more aware of our own needs, weaknesses and sins—and that ultimately, we are just as vulnerable and desperate for the saving grace of Jesus Christ?

Of course, this mindset and approach can be applied in not just far-away cross-cultural settings, but also in my own home, my family, church, business, or neighborhood.

After all, as Apostle Paul wrote, “The Lord is at hand!”

For more about the discipline of Appreciative Inquiry in cross-cultural partnership,
see “Week 11: Appreciation” in The Beauty of Partnership learning journey.

Myths to reject—to help your partnership succeed, part 3 of 3

  1. “Getting things done is more important than relationships.”
    This is a classic weakness found in many unhealthy partnerships. In the west, we love our formulas for success and our to-do lists. In the majority world, there is a greater value given to relationships,  community harmony and “the journey together.” Jesus teaches us that a vital relationship with him is essential for fruitfulness (John 15:4). Bearing fruit, getting things done flows out of healthy relationships.
  2. “It’s cheaper and easier to just give the job to the nationals.”
    Careful here. There can be an unhealthy attitude in the saying, “More bang for the buck” that suggests partnership with nationals is mainly about the money or the method. The idea of “using the nationals because it is cheaper” can be disrespectful and dehumanizing—both toward the indigenous Christian men and women with whom we are partnering, as well as the western missionaries who live and serve in the majority world at significantly higher cost. Financial stewardship is, of course, an important issue. But it is only one of many variables in the work of Christian world missions.
  3. “We can do partnership quickly.”
    In the American South, there is a saying, “Git ’er done.” I love the spirit behind this saying—hard work, no wasting time, that can-do attitude. But when working in cross-cultural partnerships—in communities where things move much more slowly, where competition and speed is not as important as group harmony—we must adjust to a slower pace. After all, we are their guests! Isn’t it true that relationships and trust are built slowly? Expecting to get things done fast usually results in big disappointment, and can damage a cross-cultural partnership.
  4. “Cross-cultural partnership is easy; we can go it alone.”
    Healthy cross-cultural ministry partnerships require education, training, hard work and many other investments over a long period of time. There are no shortcuts; it’s the law of the farm: You reap what you sow. Furthermore, to think you don’t need the wisdom and experience of missionaries and mission partnership experts is arrogant, and it violates the principle of the interdependence body of Christ—“the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of you: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you” (2 Cor. 12:21). The local church should not say to the professional mission practitioner—neither should the professional mission practitioner say to the church—“I have no need of you.” This African proverb sums it up: “If you want to fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Myths to reject—to help your partnership succeed, part 2 of 3

  1. “You can’t trust the nationals.”
    One of the greatest gifts we can give to one another in cross-cultural partnerships is friendship, and friendship is nothing if it is not rooted in trust. According to Daniel Rickett in his book, Making Your Partnership Work, the greater the interdependence and the greater the cultural distance, the greater the need for trust. If you have little trust, you simply will not have a healthy or lasting partnership. As Steven M. R. Covey says in his book, The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything, “High trust is the critical career skill in the new global economy.” See also the intro video for Week 5: Trust, in The Beauty of Partnership learning journey.
  2. “We’re just being biblical” … or … “We don’t need cultural intelligence.”
    According to Brooks Peterson in his book, Cultural Intelligence: A Guide To Working With People From Other Cultures … Cultural Intelligence is the combination of: Knowledge About Cultures + Awareness of Yourself and Others + Specific Skills and Behaviors. Cultural intelligence (CQ) is important because there is a great temptation to think … “We’ve been Christians a long time, we have been successfully following Christ for many years, building his kingdom in our community” … “We do not need to learn that much about cultural differences and how to adjust our thinking and behavior when working cross-culturally; after all, aren’t we all one in the Body of Christ?” … “Only full-time resident missionaries need to develop deep cultural understanding.” In reality, cross-cultural partnership practitioners will benefit just as much from cultivating cultural intelligence as resident missionaries. My definition of cultural intelligence is as follows: Understanding deeply our diversity and unity, for the glory of God. For more on CQ, check out the intro videos for Weeks 5–8 in The Beauty of Partnership learning journey; all of these lessons are devoted to Cultural Intelligence.
  3. “Accountability is not that important.”
    Actually, accountability is vitally important—because appropriate accountability is biblical. It is modeled in Scripture again and again. “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17). Note also the word, “appropriate.” Finding the right level of accountability going both ways is a matter of cultural intelligence and organizational competence. Without appropriate accountability, your partnership can easily move toward frustration, distrust, or failure. See also the intro video for Week 10: Accountability, in The Beauty of Partnership learning journey.
  4. “There’s not much risk in cross-cultural partnerships.”
    Reread point number 1 and point number 3, above. How much money is wasted by not doing our “due diligence!” Our tendency is to underestimate the risks of cross-cultural partnership, especially if we  expect success to be easy. To reduce the risks, going through a learning journey like The Beauty of Partnership is extremely helpful—it reduces the risks by giving you the KSAs (knowledge, skills and attitudes) necessary for a developing a healthy cross-cultural partnership. And once you have gained these KSAs, you can confidently and wisely take wonderful big risks for the glory of God! See also the intro video for, Week 3: Risk, in The Beauty of Partnership learning journey.

Myths to reject—to help your partnership succeed, part 1 of 3

  1. “I have more to teach than to learn, more to give than to receive.”
    When it comes to cross-cultural partnership ministry, it’s often the other way around. You may indeed have much to teach, but if you have this attitude, it will be an obstacle to serving well. Why not engage in cross-cultural partnership to learn together, to discover what God is teaching all parties in the partnership? What’s more, given that the church in the west is generally in significant decline (see my blog post, 15 August 2009), shouldn’t we rather learn from our brothers and sisters in the majority world—how to pray, strategize, serve and suffer well in the cause of Christ?
  2. “We can partner without being invited.”
    I recently heard of a mega-church that decided to build a school in Africa for half a million dollars, and then also committed to fund it for 10 years. Seems like a worthy goal, except for one huge thing: This was done without consultation from the local leadership, without local “ownership”—essentially, without being invited. This is probably a train-wreck waiting to happen. It belies a lack of trust and respect for local leaders, and violates the spirit of humble servanthood. For more on this, see my blog post, “Have we been invited?
  3. “I can control the partnership with the right system.”
    I am aware of a cross-cultural partnership which began with this attitude: “We absolutely can’t let this fail” … “We have to control this as much as possible” … “One of us from our side will sit on their board of directors, and we are going to MAKE SURE there are no problems.” What do you think happened? The partnership failed miserably—and there is an ongoing three-year lawsuit between these Christian partners. The result has been that thousands upon thousands of dollars have been squandered, along with untold heartache and the name of Christ defamed.
  4. “My ministry model is the most biblical.”
    If you believe that, you have probably labored intensely to be faithful to the Word of God—and paid a significant price to do so. This is a good thing. But isn’t it also true that your ministry model is influenced in part by your culture, your worldview, and peer group? Your ministry model is one way of obeying the Scriptures, and it is possibly no more biblical than a myriad of other ministry models found in the majority world. Consequently, we should be very cautious in trying to extend our unique ministry model across other cultures around the world.