
Training services in two areas — Christ’s gospel of peace — and honor, shame, and the gospel

Christ’s gospel of peace. Werner Mischke is available for training, seminars, and workshops concerning Christ’s gospel of peace, centered in Eph 2:13–17. This is based on the forthcoming book, One New Humanity: Glory, Violence, and the Gospel of Peace, by Kristin Caynor and Werner Mischke, published by William Carey Publishing (April 2025). Four years in development, One New Humanity argues that Ephesians 2 offers a radical vision of human dignity and peace that challenges the shame and violence of the Roman Empire and the contemporary world. Drawing on insights from early Christians, the global church, social sciences, and the biblical narrative, we show that through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, we gain a peaceable way of being human for the world—impacting identity, relationships, church, and vocation. In the process of deeply examining glory, violence, and the gospel of peace, we answer the question, “What does it mean to be human?” CLICK HERE for an overview of the book.

Honor, shame, and the gospel. Werner Mischke is available for training, seminars, and workshops concerning the dynamics of honor/shame and the gospel. This is based on his years of involvement in this conversation in the global missions community. His book, The Global Gospel (2015) set the standard for identifying how ten different dynamics of honor and shame overlap with the gospel and verses about the atonement of Christ. His resources include:

Cost of workshops and training services

  • Standard cost: $500 per day, plus travel
  • Fees for expanded services are mutually-agreed upon through dialog.


2018 schedule (teaching and training)

“Journey of Discovery in Honor, Shame, and the Gospel” webinar curriculum (click here to learn more

  • Unit A: April 5–May 10
  • Unit B: May 24–June 28

2018 conferences

February 23: Dallas, Texas—plenary presenter, Teachers of Mission conference, Church of Christ

March 12–14: Seaside, Oregon—plenary speaker, CB Northwest, Annual Enrichment Conference (Conservative Baptist)

September 8–10: Congress Comissao, Brisilia, Brazil—main lecturer

September 19–20: Orlando, Florida—Missio Nexus Mission Leaders Conference, representing Honor-Shame Network and serving as workshop presenter

October 3–5: Beirut, Lebanon—Patronage Symposium, Arab Baptist Theological Seminary

2017 schedule (teaching and training)

November 16: Webinar with visionSynergy: “Giving Honor: Key to Healthy Cross-Cultural Partnerships”

September 16: Newport Beach, CA: “Honor, Shame and the Gospel” one-day seminar in collaboration with Middle East Women’s Leadership Network (MEWLN).

September 7, 9: Dallas / Ft. Worth: The Global Gospel DFW“Honor, Shame and the Gospel” training events. Contact Brian Considine of Christ for All Peoples.

August 5–27: Chennai, India, Hindustan Bible Institute & College.

June 19–21: Honor-Shame Conference, Wheaton College—“Honor, Shame, & the Gospel: Reframing Our Message for 21st-Century Ministry”. Learn more more at the conference website.

April 23–May 6: Turkey—“Honor, Shame and the Gospel” training in various cities.

2016 schedule (teaching and training)

January 28 / Perspectives Seattle: Teaching “The Story of His Glory” (Lesson 2 in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement). Union Hill Church, Redmond, 11:30 a.m. and Northshore Community Church, Kirkland, 6:30 p.m.

February 11 / Missio Nexus webinar: “Honor/Shame, Violence, and the Gospel”. Part 1: We will examine the biblical origins of honor-based violence, social science research on the pathology of shame, and the role of honor-based violence in Islamic terrorism. Part 2: We will examine how a “gospel/community of honor” offers a cure for the violence that erupts out of sin and shame.

March 5–19 / New Zealand: Werner led three all-day “summits” concerning honor and shame in the Bible and how this relates to cross-cultural ministry.  Other mid-week sessions were also conducted. His key contact is with the mission agency GC3.

April 7–10 / New Wineskins Conference / Ridgecrest NC: Workshop: “Honor and Shame in the Bible and in Communicating the Good News Today”.

May 23–24 / Malaga, Spain: Avant Ministries has invited Werner for a two-day workshop-seminar—“Honor and Shame Cultures, the Bible and Me: Understanding the Gospel in an Honor and Shame World.”

2015 schedule (teaching and training)

July 13–24  / HBI / Chennai, India: Werner taught a two-week, three-hour course on honor/shame dynamics to advanced students at Hindustan Bible Institute & College, Chennai, India. The course title was: “The Global Gospel: Setting the Gospel Free from Western Assumptions”. Complete documentation and digital presentations are available. Contact Werner to learn more.

May 27 / COSIM Conference / Nashville TN: Three-hour pre-conference seminar on honor and shame at the 2015 COSIM Conference in Nashville TN. The seminar was titled: “Introducing honor and shame in the Bible for cross-cultural ministry”. Complete documentation and digital presentations are available. Contact Werner to learn more.

March 17 / ISI Regional Conference / Phoenix Seminary: Werner conducted a one-hour workshop on honor/shame and the gospel for the southwest regional conference of International Students Inc. See blog post and PowerPoint here.

February 2015 / Missio Nexus webinars:  Werner conducted four webinars for Missio Nexus based on his book, THE GLOBAL GOSPEL. The webinar series was titled: “The Global Gospel: Western Contextualization and the Bible’s Honor/Shame Dynamics”. The webinar workshops and related downloads may be accessed by Missio Nexus members. Simply log in to the Missio Nexus website, then click here:

Other events

Werner has also provided training seminars on honor and shame for the East Valley ISI, for TOAG, and for Frontiers. His presentation at the 2012 COSIM Conference may be viewed by clicking here. Werner did two workshops on honor and shame at the ACMI Conference, May 30–June 2, 2013.

A copy of the standard 14-page handout for the honor and shame 3-hour seminar is available by clicking here.

Training services on cross-cultural partnership

Werner Mischke workshops on cross-cultural partnershipWerner Mischke is also available to serve churches by providing training services and workshops on the subject of cross-cultural partnership.

Workshop features:

  • The workshops have a Christ-centered, Scripture-based focus that calls us to wisely serve in His story and mission.
  • The workshops are designed on the basis of adult learning theory. The four “I’s” of adult learning—Inductive, Input, Implementation, Integration—are woven into the design of the learning tasks that comprise each training session or workshop.
  • Tools include reproducible presentation materials which you can subsequently use yourself to train others.
  • The workshops are designed to allow for your own stories to help shape the training events.

Workshop titles:

  1. Powerboat or sailboat?Cultivate the sailboat mindset, “catching the Wind of God”, to ensure a fruitful cross-cultural partnership
  2. Develop empathic listening skills— “hearing with your heart”—for building cross-cultural relationships and partnerships
  3. Six big dangers churches face in building cross-cultural partnerships—and how to avoid them
  4. Knowing the five basic culture scales to enhance your cultural intelligence—for more fruitful cross-cultural partnerships
  5. Three keys to developing a reservoir of cross-cultural trust—and why it’s essential for long term success
  6. Build better relationships by understanding the pivotal cultural value of honor and shame—both in Scripture and in many Majority World cultures
  7. Appropriate accountability—what it looks like in a healthy cross-cultural partnership—and what to do if things go wrong
  8. How “Appreciative Inquiry” changes how you serve the poor for everyone’s joy and for God’s glory
  9. Three factors to help ensure Christian entrepreneurs are successfully using their missional DNA for fruitful cross-cultural ministry

The learning journey — where real change happens

Normally, workshops and seminars result in little actual behavior change. It is unlikely that one or more workshops will change your life or  your church. These workshops are intended to “whet the appetite” for participants to engage in a missional learning journey that is transformational. An effective small group study—or missional learning journey—involves a variety of learning tasks, accountability and encouragement, with friends, over a period of time.

At the end of each a workshop, one of the options presented for follow-up and deeper engagement is the six-week study, The Beauty of Partnership, designed and edited by Werner Mischke. Learn more about The Beauty of Partnership here:

For more information about seminars and workshops, click here. Or contact Werner Mischke.

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