Resuming webinar classes next week: “Journey of Discovery in Honor, Shame, and the Gospel”

Unit B starts Thursday May 24 (see Unit A content below)

The six classes of Unit B (classes 7–12) in “Journey of Discovery in Honor, Shame, and the Gospel” begins next week—on May 24th.

  • Miss a webinar class? No problem. View the webinar videos at your convenience.
  • $60 fee includes a free 60-page study guide, five lessons per week, that you can use for reflection and discussion.
  • Students can join Unit B whether or not they have completed Unit A.

Please join us! Unit B classes will cover:

Class 7  /  Contextualizing the gospel: H/S-1 to H/S-5: Five levels of awareness of honor-shame in cross-cultural ministry / Assuming the gospel? / Gospel seed—kernel and husk / Conversation in Scripture between honor-shame dynamics and the atonement of Christ

Class 8  /  Concept of face: “Face” for all of humanity—East and West, North and South / Story of God’s glory / Maximum loss of face and shame in the crucifixion / Gospel of “face restored” as salvation message

Class 9  /  Body language: “Right hand” and “feet”, honor and shame / Psalm 110 as bridge between Old & New Testament / Gospel of the kingdom—Bible story by which God saves the world

register for honor-shame curriculumClass 10  /  Patronage: Patronage in New Testament / Blessing & patronage / Abraham & Melchizedek / “Abrahamic gospel” / Patronage as gospel dynamic—for both the vulnerable and ‘post-moderns’?

Class 11  /  Name/kinship/blood: Family-offspring as window to the gospel / “Blood replicates the honor of the family” / “drink my blood” as “taking in” the honor of Christ / Blood sacrifice, honor-shame, and salvation

Class 12  /  Purity: Uncleanness as exclusion-shame and cleanness-holiness as inclusion-honor / Atonement, salvation, discipleship in the Bible’s purity dynamics / Gospel of purity for unreached peoples, secular peoples

CLICK HERE to learn more about “Journey of Discovery in Honor, Shame, and the Gospel”

Please join us! Unit A starts Tuesday May 22

  • Miss a webinar class? No problem. View the webinar videos at your convenience.
  • $60 fee includes a free 60-page study guide, five lessons per week, that you can use for reflection and discussion.

Class 1 / Honor-shame in the mission of God: Intro stories / Overview: guilt, shame, fear / Pathologies of shame / Blind spot: H-S in Western theology / ‘Honor-shame wheel’

Class 2 / Honor-status reversal as Bible motif: Overview of status reversal motif—Old Testament and New / Honor-status reversal in Ephesians 2 / The Father’s Love Booklet

Class 3 / Love of honor: Glory of God/glory of humanity / Longing for honor satisfied in Christ / Salvation as gaining a new source of honor in Christ

register for honor-shame curriculumClass 4 / Two sources of honor—ascribed and achieved: Ascribed & achieved honor—in Jesus’ life, in the Christian life / Justification as God’s way to give believers ascribed honor

Class 5 / Image of limited good: In Christ is unlimited good / Shame resilience and honor surplus in Christ / Gospel of more than enough glory and honor

Class 6 / Challenge & riposte: Honor competition as prominent social dynamic in New Testament / Honor-shame and power-fear in challenge & riposte / Gospel of Christ as salvation-rescue from the Powers via crucifixion and resurrection

CLICK HERE to learn more about “Journey of Discovery in Honor, Shame, and the Gospel”

Endorsements for the webinar series

Thank you for your wonderfully helpful webinars. Each one is like a bit of yeast which really starts working after the session ends, and continues to bring transformation in our thinking and seeing. Having lived in an honor-shame culture for close to two decades, I am well aware of the many individual differences which exist between my host and home culture. However, the honor-shame webinar training has helped me begin to understand how all these individual differences hang together in a coherent worldview, and more than that, to find that same worldview throughout the Bible!  —David Bakewell, Frontiers

I am thankful for the shame and honor class that Werner has been teaching. I have worked in French Africa for the last 25 years. All that his book and his teaching give on honor and shame are pertinent daily in my ministry in that area. –Mary Stone, TEAM

Werner aims for heart-integration in this class that leaves both lay and scholar with an honor-shame framework to integrate faith with holistic KIngdom living. I’ve been training people in this arena for over a dozen years, yet God is using Werner’s passionate and integrative approach in this class to so bless my heart. –Steve Hong

Honor-Shame is a KEY dynamic from the beginning to the end of Scripture. Yet for many of us it remains unknown. Through his book, The Global Gospel, and ESPECIALLY the webinar series, Werner clearly and with great depth has helped me to not only understand it’s importance but motivated me to preach it to the church to which God has called me. And the Study Guide exercises really help to personalize these truths in whatever cultural context God has you. I highly recommend it. –Dennis Schwarm, Pastor, First Baptist Church Of Oakridge

Questions? Visit the curriculum webpage or write to Werner Mischke at

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